Who Are We

We make our users daily need fast, simple and secure.

About Us

VenezPay is a locally registered company in Venezuela specializes in IT , design and development solution provider in Venezuela region, we provide wide range of digital solution for many industries including retail, marketplace and ecommerce to SMB- small medium business in Venezuela.

Our mission is to provide everyone with a worry-free marketplace apps that enabled buy-sell or booking daily needs services that includes online shopping, mobile prepaid, buy personal or corporate gifts and others all day every day.

We're on a mission to give you the daily use lifestyle Apps to make your life easier

VenezPay is free – Seriously, it’s 100% Free

Merchant/Seller Get account in a minute- Auto or Manually Approval

We welcome seller and merchants partners and open to opportunties

Support from real people when you need it

Phone Image

Our Core Pillars

We offer full cycle business solutions for all mobile application development requirements.


User friendly secure and most advance levels of security implemented on every seller account.


Service and transparency with no hidden fees.


We strive to answer questions and offer exceptional customer support in the fastest way.

Let’s Get Started with VenezPay

We will help you to achieve your goals and grow your business.